
Max’s Days at Misfits

Max was found chained to a tree, by animal control, and was brought to Greater Birmingham Humane Society. He was severely under weight, food and mouth aggressive. He was also in pain, due to an infection from his neuter surgery and did not want anyone touching his hind end. See Max’s Rescue on our YouTube link:

Max was in need of rehabilitation, food, training, medication and time to heal. He quickly fit into the pack after a bit of reluctance. Max knew that he was supposed to be pampered in life. We called him “Maximus Attitudus”. He needed more of a home environment with a lot less dogs. He wasn’t aggressive with them, he just wanted to be with the humans more. He loved to play ball toss and had a habit of bringing his ball back to the water bowls to clean it off and get a drink. He’d grab his ball and go back to playing. See “Max is ready for Adoption” on our YouTube link:

Max stayed with us about 1½ years before he was ready to go. He really didn’t want to leave. There were many inquiries that he wasn’t suitable for and after his adoption video went out, he spoke to his new parents. They came with their dog to meet our adoptees. Max decided that he didn’t want to leave Dan’s side and we knew that he made his choice. See “Our Promise to Max” on our YouTube link: https://youtu.be/qzkQ8CfSF0s